The Sound of Dharma This Audio-CD was created thanks to the auspicious meeting of Ven. K.C. Ayang Rinpoche and the monks of the Drikung Kagyu World Peace Tour 1999 to celebrate the inauguration of the new house of the Drikung Sherab Migched Ling center in Aachen, Germany. The wish to record the inimitably chanting of Rinpoche as well as traditional prayers and meditations of the Drikung Kagyu tradition existed for long time. With the present live recording great store was set not to change the original tone quality and dynamism, to guarantee an authentic fidelity. The CD comprises besides conjoint chanting of the Drikung Kagyu Guru Yoga, the Supplication to Guru Padmasambhava, the Heart Sutra, the Buddha Amitabha Pure Land Prayer and the Dedication solo recordings with Ayang Rinpoche. These are the Supplication to Milarepa and to the Lineage Lamas as well as the mantras of Guru Padmasambhava, Buddha Amitabha und Avalokiteshvara. Audio Samples: |
Beyond Duality Garchen Rinpoche is known as reincarnation of one of the main disciples of Kyobpa Jigten Sumgon. Due to this special relationship we asked him to chant the "Song of Rainfall" and the mantra of Kyobpa Jigten Sumgon. Furthermore there are the mantras of White Tara and of Achi Chokyi Dolma as well as a supplication to Tara, which is often recommend by Rinpoche. Everybody, who met Rinpoche once, knows his special way to chant the mantra of Avalokiteshvara. That mantra makes the conclusion of the recording. Audio Sample: Avalokiteshvara Mantra |
Chanting from the Heart The chanting of Khenchen Rinpoche is calm and sensitive. His melodies are clear and harmonious. After a short while one is able to chant the melodies by oneself and thus make the mantras of Kyobpa Jigten Sumgon, Vajrasattva, Manjushri, the Green and White Tara and Achi Chokyi Dolma sound beautiful and oratorical. Regarding this the "Supplication to the Lamas" is an especial pearl of chanting. The chantings are framed by Refuge- and Motivation-Prayers as well as Aspiration- and Dedication-Prayers. Audio Sample: Supplication to the Lamas |
Rainfall of Blessings The basis of this CD is the Guru Yoga of Padmasambhava (tib. Guru Rinpoche), which is conjoined with the Seven-Line Prayer, including the Ganachakra. Ontul Rinpoche is the reincarnation of one of the twenty-five main disciples of Padmasambhava and is thus in direct contact to the transmission of blessings. Rinpoche is known for his profundity, which comes to light on this CD as well. During the Ganachakra traditional instruments are used. |
Love and Compassion OM MANI PADME HUNG is certainly the most often recited mantra in the Tibetan society. In the process of centuries many different melodies emerged. We asked various masters of the Drikung Kagyu Lineage on their visitations in Aachen, Germany to chant this mantra of Avalokiteshvara; in particular we asked H.H. Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang Rinpoche, H.E. Garchen Rinpoche, H.E. Ayang Rinpoche, H.E. Adak Rinpoche, Drubpon Champa Rigzin and Lama Gar Tsering. Audio Sample: Drubpon Champa Rigzin |
Jewels from the Roof of the World This Audio-CD is a studio-recording of thirteen Drikung nuns, which was made at the beginning of their tour through Europe and contains a large part of the ritual music, the meditations and chantings, which were presented during the tour. Many viewers were deeply moved by the concentrative and devoted way in which the nuns performed the practices during the tour and that quality can be experienced as well on this CD. Recordings on the CD: |
Chod Meditation Kyobpa Jigten Sumgon composed a Chod practice called "Kusali Tsog Sog", i.e. "The method for beggars to accumulate merit". Audio Sample: Clip: Red Offering |
Mantra of Purification Contents: Audio Sample: Vajrasattva Mantra, Khenchen Rinpoche |
Sacred Sound of the Himalaya The prayers and recitations of the eight Lamas of the Lamayuru monastery in Ladakh were impressively presented to a huge audience in many european counties in autumn 2010. The prayers and recitations were professionally recorded in the Urban Studios in Oslo. They impart the impression of devotion and deep experiences of the great masters of buddhism on whome the songs and meditations trace back to. Index of this CD: Audio Sample: Clip: Chöd |
Meditations Volume 1, No.1 Chapter 1-7 H.H. Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang Rinpoche initiated a number of volumes of meditations with the title "Meditations and Prayers of Tibetan Buddhism", which present important meditation texts and prayers in well arranged form. Up to now three volumes were published and further ones are planned. The first volume of meditations were also published on three Audio-CDs, on which the texts are chanted in Tibetan. Twelfe different prayers and mediations are collected in Volume 1, including common refuge- and dedication-prayers and the meditations of Avalokiteshvara, Vajrasattva, Manjushri, Green Tara, white Tara, Buddha Amitabha, Achi Chokyi Dolma etc. These sadhanas were chanted by Drubpon Champa Rigzin, who is known for his beautiful melodies and his clear pronunciation. Index of this CD: |
Meditations Volume 1, No.2 Chapter 8-12 Index of this CD: Audio Sample: Clip: Vajrasattva |
Meditations Volume 1, No.3 Chapter 13-18 Index of this CD: |
Meditations Volume 2, No.1 Buddha Amitayus |
Meditations Volume 2, No.2 Ngöndro |
Meditations Volume 2, No.3 The Stream of Blessings |
The profound Path of Phowa This two CDs include the practice of the Nyingma Phowa (The profound Path of Phowa), performed by the Master of Phowa H.E. Ayang Rinpoche. These CDs are available on request only for people, who have attended a Phowa course with H.E. Ayang Rinpoche. Index of CD1: Index of CD2: Audio Sample: Nyingma Phowa Supplication |
The Great Drikung Phowa Index of this CD: Audio Sample: Drikung Phowa Supplication |
Profound Vision of the three Roots This CD is available on request only for people, who have received the Shitro-Empowerment. Index of this CD: |